(March 22, 2012 at 9:42 am)mediamogul Wrote: The issue with the "Stand Your Ground" law is that it allows someone to use deadly force on a percieved threat. All one has to do is claim that one felt threatened, the burden of proof for these claims has been seriously relaxed. The rate of "justified homocides" has nearly tripled in the state since 2005 when the law was enacted. The law clearly protects this type of vigilanteism. Zimmermann is still a free man at this moment.
So does tht mean, that if a racist is threatened by a black male he can go PEW PEW PEW! With impunity?
Lots of things threaten me. Like, brussel sprouts. I will go PEW PEW PEW to them the next time i see them.
Brussel Sprouts!