Quote:"There is no god" is a claim, and a negative one at that, thus the burden of proof falls on them to prove the negative, which is impossible.True, and very well put. We both know that to claim god is almost as impossible, only that it is not a negative. You explained the inevitable fallacy in "proving a negative" well before that.
I just don't know what to say when some people say "prove god to me, a devout, almost militant atheist, through the internet, even though I've already decided I don't agree with anything you say". And I can't. Nor am I very moved to even try. I am much happier agreeing to disagree. I think there is a god. You don't. That's fine. I don't want to prove god to you, and I don't want you to prove not-god to me. I will respect your "right" to believe (or not believe) what you want, if only that I should get the same respect.
So I say, "well you prove there isn't a god", knowing how stupid it sounds. I hope to try to show you how it sounds to me when you guys repeatedly demand I prove god. That I just can't.
In the sense that you can say "There probably is not a god", I say "There probably is". I don't want to argue about it too much, a point I have been repeating since I got here.
I am sorry for rambling. I have been trying to be more aware of staying on topic, and not being too disruptive. I appreciate you guys letting me hang out with you, and thank you for the little bits of time you have spent on me.