(March 29, 2012 at 7:11 am)Forsaken Wrote:Quote:I began to notice time synchronicities—for example, I would enter my dorm room at exactly the same time day after day
He forgot the change the batteries in his clock. So whenever he entered his room, it showed the same time. Matter solved
Or he just had a tight schedule. Or, more likely, he was a couple of minutes off every day, and he's convinced himself that it was close enough to be exact. Or he's just straight-up lieing.
These people build lots of things out of nothing just because they're desperate to believe, and then they blame sensible people for denying evidence that doesn't actually exist anywhere but in their convoluted heads.
He does make a good point, though- he proves again that fundies think atheism is some kind of dishonest choice we make to knowingly deny god (because he prayed to make him an atheist, the idiot), instead of the logical result of careful evaluation of evidence (or the lack theroef).
I always like hearing fundies talk about atheists, just so I can laugh at how wrong they are- every time they call me a satan-worshipping bigot who chooses to "deny god", it reafirms my belief that they're retarded, have never really talked to an atheist in their life, and we're correct.
What falls away is always, and is near.
Also, I am not pretending to be female, this profile picture is my wonderful girlfriend. XD