(April 18, 2012 at 9:49 pm)RaphielDrake Wrote: Its kind of hard to believe that there are politicians out there who can't be bothered investing time and money to getting closer to making fucking *spaceships* and exploring the *universe*. The *universe*, that thing we've been staring up at for the entire time we've existed.
I mean, get your head round that for a second, they would rather get richer (even though they have more than enough already) than pursue the possibility of exploring the cosmos.
These are the people incharge, these people who are so dull they would rather add a few more figures onto their wealth than be remembered for all time as leaders who ushered in a new age of limitless possibilities. An age where we might eventually colonize new planets with earth like atmospheres reducing over-population and unemployment rates. Where technology reaches new heights it could almost be considered magic and our understanding expands to answer the questions we previously thought unanswerable. This is the very endeavor they don't believe to be worth their precious time, they instead use this time to accumulate mass quantities of paper.
Fucking morons.
also, nasa has created so many technologies in their pursuit of deeper knowledge of our universe, that they're able to commercialize them for our own use here on the rock. think of how artificial robotic limbs help amputees, how smoke inhalation systems help firefighters, benefits of freeze dried food and memory (temper) foam.
even reducing the size of electronic devices like cellphones and radio players - all to reduce the weight of objects being carried into space, because shipping costs are quoted at $635/pound just for low-earth orbit. wouldn't be so convenient if cellphones were still the size of shoe-boxes.
they can land a rover on mars, yet they still have to stick a human finger up my ass to do a prostate exam?! - ricky gervais