Speaking of “sin”, I’ve always been curious as to who conceived the notion of sin. I don’t mean the supposed “original sin” purportedly committed by Adam and Eve, I mean who came up with the idea that certain acts were an offence to a god? It would seem to me that if “sin” is just another concept stolen by Christians to incorporate into their religion, then the foundations of Christianity crumble, because isn’t that what “salvation” is all about? Although I suppose that Christians would claim that even if the concept of sin was borrowed from prior religions, that would only mean that prior religions had the concept right, but were just applying to it to the wrong god.
"If there are gaps they are in our knowledge, not in things themselves." Chapman Cohen
"Shit-apples don't fall far from the shit-tree, Randy." Mr. Lahey
"Shit-apples don't fall far from the shit-tree, Randy." Mr. Lahey