The concept of "sin" inhabits nearly all religions and was originally a cultural mechanism for preventing conflict and ensuring stability and harmony by making taboo those actions that would result in instability or conflict within a group. Originally, in fact, it was exactly the same as taboo. Later on when religion arose and became more sophisticated, you stated to get systems which codified sin, as in Leviticus, a rift started to emerge between what was considered law/sin and what was taboo. Later on law started to split off to have its own separate sphere. Fast forward thousands of years and now we have the law which is the product of the state, taboo, which is the product of society, and sin which is the product of religious doctrine.
All of them are split from the same root and have the same basic function. Both law and the concept of sin can be used an abused by those in power.
All of them are split from the same root and have the same basic function. Both law and the concept of sin can be used an abused by those in power.