(June 2, 2012 at 10:28 am)elunico13 Wrote: Again you're trying to impose your morality on others. Without justification. Morality is personal but you want me to follow your low standard of morality?
It's not my standard of morality that makes people born homosexuals. It's my standard of morality to treat them with compassion. The same compassion that I would have for anyone, with any sexual orientation. If that's a low standard, then I'd like to know what a high standard looks like.
Quote:According to you your just evolved matter. Why is it wrong to lie according to your beliefs?
Everything is just matter, or else it isn't. The fact that we evolved is arbitrary to this conversation.
Is it wrong to lie? The people who wrote the bible did it on every page, and you want me to tell you why it's wrong to lie? LMAO
Quote:Is this your idea of controlling yourself LOL?
Is that your idea of being out of control?
Quote:You take scripture and manipulate it.
All I do is read it, barf, and repeat what it says to morons like you who wave it around like a flag of supreme morality. Maybe you should actually read it, and then you'd know what I'm talking about.
Quote:The Christian God does not approve of those things.
The christian god doesn't approve of the things he commanded?
Who is the xtian god, anyway? Would that be that JEW, jesus?
Quote:BUT you don't have any justification to tell me or anyone else those things are immoral. The problem of morality lies with you.
I don't have a problem with my own morality. Seems like you have a huge problem with your own god's morality. Like you wish you could re-write the whole damn bible or something. I never imagined the bible being a bigger piece of shit than it already is... until now.
Quote:Why are you attempting to quote from the Bible without understanding what it says? You're just pissed off, but not coming up with any logical arguments to justify your position and blind faith.
I understand that the bible authors really knew how to keep up with the styles of the time, and knew how to change god's mind with a flick of a pen.
"'Do not cut the hair at the sides of your head or clip off the edges of your beard." Lev 19:27
"They shall not shave their heads or let their locks grow long; they shall surely trim the hair of their heads." Ezekiel 44:20
Neat trick, huh!
Don't give me that bullshit. I am perfectly capable of reading and understanding the bible. Sorry to see you're not. Won't stop you from preaching it, will it?
Quote:Again you misquote the Bible.
I see you're not correcting me. Just accusing. What's wrong? Don't even know what to look for in your own book to correct the godless heathen?
Quote:Without any logical explanation on why your moral standard should override anyone elses you're arbitrary comments mean nothing.
Just like a xtian! Did you even click the link and scan over it? There is valuable information there about how homosexuals aren't child molesters just because they're homosexuals, just as heterosexual people aren't pedophiles just because they're heterosexuals. That's what I meant about educating yourself.
Facts have nothing to do with my moral standard overriding anyone else's they're just facts.
No one said you did. I will point out that you're not being moral according to your own god's standard.
Remember what he said about gay people being child molesters?
You want to remember that one part of Leviticus about gay people, twist homosexuality into some sort of immoral thing according to your moral authority, and then you want to claim that christ is your moral authority. Did jesus mention something about homosexuality? Did I miss something?
Nope. You're just hung up on platitudes that have either been debunked by reason/statistics/ science, or not mentioned by the person you call god.