(June 16, 2012 at 9:04 pm)FallentoReason Wrote: I reckon we all start as blank books but we have the tools to write the 'useful stuff' down for survival. Like you say, we learn what things to fear or be careful with, such as hot things through our 5 senses toolkit.
I'm just curious, what do you think we're born with when you say we don't start as blank slates?
To continue the fear example, I'd reckon we're hard-wired to be afraid of loud noises*, sudden movements - things like that. More broadly, I tend to think things like levels of aggression may be part of nature, but still influenced by nurture. I guess I consider psychological development analogous to muscular growth. Ultimately a person's shape is somewhat set, but it's still alterable within given ranges. Some people who do weight training get big and bulky, while others are relatively small and lean. Likewise, with someone may be predisposed to be more aggressive than the average human, but, given the appropriate upbringing, can learn to become less aggressive, change thought patterns, etc. The parts of the brain you use most grow, whereas the ones in disuse shrink, or so I recall. But again, these are just speculations on my part.
*Funnily enough, as I typed this paragraph my alarm clock went off and scared the crap out of me!