(September 4, 2009 at 12:24 pm)bozo Wrote: On racism/affirmatiuve action.
Don't believe in that ... I mean it exists but I was negatively affected by it when I was in the ILEA (and I mean in a sense I would consider racist, anti-white racist).
(September 4, 2009 at 12:24 pm)bozo Wrote: Racism still pervades the uk.Frequent tv documentaries have shown how people with broadly the same qualifications but 1 is white, the other black, have applied for jobs and the white has got the job.
Er ... choosing the white candidate when both are equally qualified isn't racism. Choosing a candidate because he/she is the wrong colour DESPITE having better relevant qualifications might be but as anyone involved in interviewing candidates will tell you qualifications aren't the entire picture. There's a whole slew of factors to consider.
(September 4, 2009 at 12:24 pm)bozo Wrote: The same thing happens when landlords use agents and tell them to make sure only whites get the tenancy. In the bad old days, landlords could get away with having " no blacks " in their windows...just like America had segregation.
Obviously that is.
(September 4, 2009 at 12:24 pm)bozo Wrote: Racism is still alive and kicking, that's why legislation was brought in to try to counter it.
Anti-racist laws are, unfortunately necessary, but I believe education is a better way to deal with these things ... witness the fact that we are now (IMO) a far less "ist" society at least on the surface.
Mind you, friend of mine uses a walking stick and apparently gets abuse regularly hurled at him ... I genuinely thought we, as a society, had moved beyond that.
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Kyuuketsuki, AngryAtheism Owner & Administrator