Racism doesn't just "happen". It's taught. Education is the best way to beat ignorant thought patterns. It's the best way to beat brainwashing. I think we all know that. It goes both ways. It's not racist for me to say that there are more blacks in jail than whites. It's a fact. I'ts not racist for me to say affirmative action is a bad idea. Some people would call me racist for saying that. So it really comes down to how someone personally defines racism. Some of those same people say there are more blacks in jail because of racism. Because the "system" or "the man" is racist. I find it funny if you take those same inmates that say they are in jail because of the "system" and check their record you will find that they did something to be in jail. NO ONE puts people in jail for no reason.
I'll agree that the death penalty is a form of extinction. Take a child molester for example. They will always be sick. You can't reform sexual predators. We've tried and we fail every time. How is it just to keep them alive and pay to feed them? Are they anyone that is even worth our time? Just kill them and be rid of someone that is a cancer to society. As fare as I know molesting children will not land you in the electric chair. It should...but it doesn't. That was just an example.
I'll agree that the death penalty is a form of extinction. Take a child molester for example. They will always be sick. You can't reform sexual predators. We've tried and we fail every time. How is it just to keep them alive and pay to feed them? Are they anyone that is even worth our time? Just kill them and be rid of someone that is a cancer to society. As fare as I know molesting children will not land you in the electric chair. It should...but it doesn't. That was just an example.