RE: Am I a "liberal"?
September 8, 2009 at 12:03 am
(This post was last modified: September 8, 2009 at 12:04 am by Oldandeasilyconfused.)
Quote:Have you any idea who that man was?
Malcolm X? Yes, I spent some time studying the Black Power movement at university.. Potentially a great man.
It's likely that Fanon (died 1961) influenced Malcolm X, and for all I know a range of other revolutionaries. Or not. His ideas were not original,being an expression of the conflict theory of power,used by revolutionaries for centuries. It's the basis of Marxist revolutionary theory. It was probably first written down by Sun Tzu ( C1st BCE, "The Art Of War") and reiterated by Niccolo Machiavelli (1469-1527CE "The Prince) The entire concept was pithily expressed by Mao Tze Dung as" power grows from the barrel of a gun"
I accept conflict theory as the most accurate explanation of realpolitik and of how society actually works.-as opposed to how I would LIKE things to work..
Quote:Conflict theory is a social theory which emphasizes a person's or group's ability to exercise influence and control over others, thereby affecting social order. It posits that individuals and groups struggle to maximize their benefits, inevitably contributing to social changes such as innovations in politics and outright revolutions. Conflict theory examines class conflict, such as that between the proletariat and bourgeoisie, and contrasts ideologies such as capitalism and socialism. It proposes that continual struggles exist among all different aspects of a particular society. These struggles do not always involve physical violence; they can be underlying efforts by each group or individual within a society to maximize its benefits. The theory has roots in the critical theory of Karl Marx and the interpretive sociology of Max Weber.