(October 31, 2008 at 7:26 pm)bozo Wrote:(October 31, 2008 at 7:22 pm)S_Truth Wrote:repeat, you are a time-wasting,irrational, annoying wanker now fuck off and go to heaven...and if i get there ill punch your lights out. got it?(October 31, 2008 at 7:16 pm)bozo Wrote:(October 31, 2008 at 7:09 pm)leo-rcc Wrote:S-Truth....how can I put it in a way that won't injure your fragile sensibility? fucking wankerleo-rcc Wrote:Oh I think I understand you very well. You are one of those people that seem to think that everything must have a purpose, even when there is no real need for one. Butterflies can do very well without purpose, monkeys can do very well without purpose, pretty much every animal on the planet can go without purpose. Yet because you as a thinking conscious animal have a need for purpose because most things around you serve a purpose to you.
I never called you any names, and nothing was censored. You have me confused with bozo.
Leo...avoid bad company!
By calling me names do you actually think it hurts me. It just makes you an irrational, stubborn, and ignorant person.
To call a person who uses rational and logic to define what he says bad company is another way to be stubborn and ignorant to the facts.
I am in heaven who said heaven was in only one place. Just keep repeating that I am a irrational person maybe you'll start believing in that eventually. They say repittion is one of the best ways to make one believe in something that is not true.