(September 8, 2009 at 5:08 pm)bozo Wrote: Why don't you simply search " multicultural britain " like I suggested? That's a " link " you asked me for.I don't recall asking you for a link on multicultural britain. The mere existence of people who think we are multicultural does not mean we are so. This is the difference between opinion and reality. I wanted a link for the police racism thing, which you provided. Racism in the police is not opinion; it has reported instances. Multiculturalism is all opinion.
Quote:It has numerous reports on what you say doesn't exist. In your bubble mind, I presume every box has to be ticked for it to exist, so because Racism is still around that means we aren't multicultural. Is that your position?It wasn't just the existence of racism. Multiculturalism is about integration, and I do not see any such integration of other cultures into our society. What I see is people's cultures being taken away from them and being forced to adopt the "British" culture instead.
What is the point of definitions if you can just say "well, this circumstance fills part of the definition, so therefore they equate". This society isn't multicultural just because you say so. If it doesn't fit the description of multicultural, it is not a multicultural society! This isn't difficult logic to wrap your head around!
Quote:You did ask for a link to police racism, so there it is. I never suggested affirmative action in the police force would mean unsuitably qualified people would be recruited. That's the spin you've added.No, you suggested that affirmative action was fair. I gave you examples of how it is not fair at all, which you ignored. You'd prefer to tick boxes and end up with a sloppy police force than have an excellent police force at the expense of ethnic minorities (and indeed, even some majority workers) who weren't good enough for the job.
Quote:Your language infers ethnics aren't up to the job. The kind of evidence that leads me to doubting your claim to not be a racist ( note here I didn't accuse you of being racist ).Ethics are up to the job, and one of the main ideas of ethics is equality. There is no equality in affirmative action, there is only discrimination against people who rightly deserve the job. Your version of ethics gives special treatment to a select group of people; that is the complete opposite of equality.
Quote:And education IN ITSELF will not eliminate racism, in my view. If you think it will, then you're being bubble-simplistic.Education is all about teaching people to think differently. Racism is only around because certain people think a certain way. There is no genetic reason (as far as we know) for racism; it's all social. Change the thoughts and you change the attitude. Once racists realise their arguments are all inherently flawed, the non-ignorant ones will see reason. All affirmative action does is give them a reason to be racist. They already think ethnic minorities are bad, so add to that the fact that (in their eyes) they are also getting jobs that they do not deserve, and you only worsen the situation.
Quote:It was you who brought age into play. I have 3 offspring, how many have you? I could rise to your baitI have no offspring, but when I do I will work hard to provide for them, unlike (apparently) yourself. I'll leave it when you've finished making such ridiculous counter arguments. However given your history on these forums, I don't think that will happen very soon.
but I won't. We clearly disagree on most things, so shall we just leave it at that?