RE: Am I a "liberal"?
September 8, 2009 at 9:35 pm
(This post was last modified: September 8, 2009 at 9:41 pm by Oldandeasilyconfused.)
Quote:What would make them follow laws forbidding them from associating with other gangsters?
We had 'consorting laws' here until well into the 1970's. It was illegal to 'consort with known criminals' That meant each other as well as John Q Public. A member of "the consorting squad" once came to my flat to warn my flatmate not to associate with a crim he'd met. For some strange reason,criminals tended to ignore that law,pretty much the same way as the other laws they ignored.
NOW: Locally there is a legal (supreme court) challenge over another version of "guilt by association laws" passed recently. Known as "the anti biker laws',the claim is the laws will get rid of the criminal biker gangs because they [allegedly] control illegal drugs in this state. A club may now be declared "an outlaw organisation".That means their colours may not be worn in public.They may not associate with one another in public or on any property. Their assets may be ceased unless they can show legal provenance and/or their premises may be demolished under "anti fortress" legislation.
Magistrates are currently refusing to hear charges brought under that law. We still have an independent judiciary.
The legal challenge is on the grounds of unconstitionality; it may succeed.. Other state governments are watching the proceeding with deep interest.If it the legal challenge fails,similar legislation will be introduced [at least} in Victoria (Melbourne) and New South Wales (Sydney).
My concerns :
The notion of 'guilt by association' bothers me. I think it's abrogates a basic principle of the rule of law.
The"tougher laws and bigger prison " mentality within the general community is a worry;EG the US currently has the largest per capita prison population in the world. How's that working out?
It scares the crap out of me when a government expresses and acts on that mentality. How many Americans here have actually read "The Patriot Ac"? I've read only bits,and was appalled.
Here there is also the teensy niggle that "anti biker legislation" doesn't actually mention bikers,at all. It can be used against anyone.Nor does a person need to be charged with ANYTHING to have assets seized.