Oh for fuck's sake...when will people realize....er...when will religious people ever realize that FORCING religion onto people no longer works? They can no longer maintain a standing army of men with swords, javelins, archery equipment, pikes, halberds, and lances and go around threatening to torture confessions from individuals; the most they can do is force you to attend their churches and without the threat of violence to force people into submission, going to church is a waste of fucking time and the best way imaginable to alienate an individual from another individual.
I'm sorry but your mother is a fucking shitty parent. She's not much better than the abusive, neglectful, irresponsible foster parents I had to endure growing up with and I hope you remember her actions when she's old and lonely and you've moved on in your life and become a GOOD mother by example of what not to be, like Alei.
Most you can do is just follow some of the advice others have already given...if at all you can without your mother being an even more unbelievable jackass than she's already being.
I'm sorry but your mother is a fucking shitty parent. She's not much better than the abusive, neglectful, irresponsible foster parents I had to endure growing up with and I hope you remember her actions when she's old and lonely and you've moved on in your life and become a GOOD mother by example of what not to be, like Alei.
Most you can do is just follow some of the advice others have already given...if at all you can without your mother being an even more unbelievable jackass than she's already being.