(September 11, 2009 at 12:53 am)padraic Wrote: I see it as a society in which diverse cultural groups of varying size live more-or-less harmoniously together,with equality before the law, and without institutionalised racism.As far as I'm aware,this is not yet the case in the US, Australia or the UK to name just three. However,things ARE changing. (I'd say a black US president is a good indicator of progress)I agree, but I'd go one further and use the definition of Wikipedia and Dictionary.com:
Wiki Wrote:The term multiculturalism generally refers to the acceptance of various cultural divisions for the sake of diversity that applies to the demographic make-up of a specific place.
Dictionary.com Wrote:the preservation of different cultures or cultural identities within a unified society, as a state or nation.A true multicultural society should have exactly that; multiple cultures. At the moment we don't have that at all. People feel inclined to shed their culture when they move here and adopt a "British" one, which is a shame. People do live harmoniously together, and they are equal within the law, but racism is institutionalised with the police force (as bozo pointed out), and also in the "affirmative action" garbage.
Things are changing indeed. I wouldn't use Barack Obama as an example though. It's an example of attitudes towards racism changing, but I think Obama is culturally American more than anything else.