Dever has outlined another instance of scholarly integrity by a religious archaeologist. In discussing the excavations at Ai.... another of the unoccupied cities allegedly destroyed by fucking "joshua" he writes:
Apparently, theological embarrassment is more important to fundies than truth.
Quote:Between 1965 and 1972 Joseph Callaway, an American archaeologist and Southern Baptist Theological Seminary professor who had studied method with Kenyon, reopened the investigation. And he confirmed Marquet-Krause's results beyond doubt. To his credit, he acknowledged the excavations of Ai as a major blow to the "conquest theory." He put it this way in 1985":
For many years, the primary source for the understanding of the settlement of the first Israelites was the Hebrew Bible, but every reconstruction based upon the biblical traditions has floundered on the evidence from archaeological remains....(Now) the primary source has to be archaeological remains.
Moreover, Callaway -- a southern gentleman of great moral character-- took early retirement from his very conservative seminary rather than risk being the cause of theological embarrassment.
Apparently, theological embarrassment is more important to fundies than truth.