@ aleialoura after reading all the post I can see why you feel the way you do, I think that if a doctor is certain that both the mother and unborn child will die the mother has the right to decide to abort, I believe that is the only time. You are over looking why Christians do not believe in abortion, we see things from God's view and yes God saw that 12 year old girl you had to help through a situation she should have never been in. Those type of situations deserve consideration, I wish I had the answer for those situations, I do not, other than to put dad away forever so he can not do it again.
I would like to give you a short view of how I see this from a Christian view, God says that life is in the blood and in so many ways, spiritual and secular this is true. The unborn child develops it's own blood type before the mother knows she is pregnant, so this is when I see that the fetus becomes an unborn child. In Exodus, I do not recall chapter and verse, God says that if a man strikes a woman with child and the baby is born with a birth defect, that man is to suffer the same ie. born with a deformed arm and ect. If the child is born dead the man is to be put to death, thus God sees the true value of the unborn and we as Christians want to honor God's teaching. Yet remains those cases where the emotion of mankind, Christian or not, runs into conflict with what God teaches, unfortunately God does not give us all these situation and so we must try and make sense of them. This is part of the free will we are given and sometimes it just plain old sucks, there are those situations that just do not make sense. So as Christians we deal with the human emotion and what we believe is the will of God, and that dear lady is not an easy thing to do. I do agree with Chadwooters about abortion of the unborn baby. I do see an exception as I stated above, but what goes own today is total irresponsible on both the man and woman's part, and that irresponsiblity comes about mostly from selfishness and self righteousness and I'm not trying to apply this to you. Before I became a Christian I was against abortion and I told my wife if she got pregnant and the child was a threat to her life she would have to make the choice to abort, it would not have been mine to make.
I would like to give you a short view of how I see this from a Christian view, God says that life is in the blood and in so many ways, spiritual and secular this is true. The unborn child develops it's own blood type before the mother knows she is pregnant, so this is when I see that the fetus becomes an unborn child. In Exodus, I do not recall chapter and verse, God says that if a man strikes a woman with child and the baby is born with a birth defect, that man is to suffer the same ie. born with a deformed arm and ect. If the child is born dead the man is to be put to death, thus God sees the true value of the unborn and we as Christians want to honor God's teaching. Yet remains those cases where the emotion of mankind, Christian or not, runs into conflict with what God teaches, unfortunately God does not give us all these situation and so we must try and make sense of them. This is part of the free will we are given and sometimes it just plain old sucks, there are those situations that just do not make sense. So as Christians we deal with the human emotion and what we believe is the will of God, and that dear lady is not an easy thing to do. I do agree with Chadwooters about abortion of the unborn baby. I do see an exception as I stated above, but what goes own today is total irresponsible on both the man and woman's part, and that irresponsiblity comes about mostly from selfishness and self righteousness and I'm not trying to apply this to you. Before I became a Christian I was against abortion and I told my wife if she got pregnant and the child was a threat to her life she would have to make the choice to abort, it would not have been mine to make.
God loves those who believe and those who do not and the same goes for me, you have no choice in this matter. That puts the matter of total free will to rest.