I do believe Turkey should invade Syria.
Turkey to me is the bright shining star of the middle east. It`s a secular Republic, it`s constitution and laws are not made on the basis of religious texts, it`s economic groath is amazing, it`s human rights issues (although still existing) are getting less by the year and it has abolished the death penalty.
I was thrilled when Recep Erdogan, who is a islamist, spoke at thair square after the egyptian revolution and clearly said that what egypt needs now is not a religious state but a secular republic.
In the current syrian conflict, the hole left, when no one supported the rebells was filled with Saudi money and Saudi idiology. The place is fludded with salafists of the worst kind. To make things eaven worse the conflict has changed, from a conflict wich was about deposing a tyrant to a secterian\ethnical conflict; sunis, shias, alawites, salafists, kurds, christains are currently fighting each other or with each other. Eaven if Assad will be deposed I fear a Youguslavia war scenaro, in wich the most powerfull faction will start massacring the smaller weaker ones. So eaven if Assad is deposed, a foreign military mission would probably be necessery to prevent a reigniting conflict between ethnicities and sects.
Why Turkey? First of, because it can. It is a Nato member, therefor has modern military equiptment. It has been fighting insurgents for years aswell as training for a possible war with greece - therefor is expirienced.
Second turkish troops wouldn`t be met with as much resistance as western troops.
third Turkey as a secular Republic would be a great rolemodel for the middle east.
I believe the argument, that we would help islamists by not intercepting is invalid, since the islamist salafists would get power anyway when Assad is deposed, and if Assad remains in power he will be nothing but a pupet of islamist Iran.
Turkey to me is the bright shining star of the middle east. It`s a secular Republic, it`s constitution and laws are not made on the basis of religious texts, it`s economic groath is amazing, it`s human rights issues (although still existing) are getting less by the year and it has abolished the death penalty.
I was thrilled when Recep Erdogan, who is a islamist, spoke at thair square after the egyptian revolution and clearly said that what egypt needs now is not a religious state but a secular republic.
In the current syrian conflict, the hole left, when no one supported the rebells was filled with Saudi money and Saudi idiology. The place is fludded with salafists of the worst kind. To make things eaven worse the conflict has changed, from a conflict wich was about deposing a tyrant to a secterian\ethnical conflict; sunis, shias, alawites, salafists, kurds, christains are currently fighting each other or with each other. Eaven if Assad will be deposed I fear a Youguslavia war scenaro, in wich the most powerfull faction will start massacring the smaller weaker ones. So eaven if Assad is deposed, a foreign military mission would probably be necessery to prevent a reigniting conflict between ethnicities and sects.
Why Turkey? First of, because it can. It is a Nato member, therefor has modern military equiptment. It has been fighting insurgents for years aswell as training for a possible war with greece - therefor is expirienced.
Second turkish troops wouldn`t be met with as much resistance as western troops.
third Turkey as a secular Republic would be a great rolemodel for the middle east.
I believe the argument, that we would help islamists by not intercepting is invalid, since the islamist salafists would get power anyway when Assad is deposed, and if Assad remains in power he will be nothing but a pupet of islamist Iran.