I don't know how it can be explained much better, if they are truly just gods and you lived a good life (ignoring the all-to-common assumption that everyone secretly wamnts to rape and murder, we don't.) then you would be welcomed. Because to toss someone aside simply for not worshipping you would make you an unjust god.
If the gods are unjust then we certainly should not worship them, in all likelyhood we are just feeding the trolls if we do.
If there are no gods then we cease to exist. The evidence of our good life DOES NOT DISSAPEAR! We have likely bettered the world for the next generation, our children and the future of the human race.
If, as most atheists believe, there is no afterlife then this life of ours is very precious and the greatest gift we could ever give would be to improve the lives of those who will come after us.
I can't think of how to explain it much better, it intuitively makes sense to me.
In response to you, I could just as easily say that all christians wanted to rape murder and steal and don't because god says no. In fact a number of things have lead some atheists to that conclusion. However, just like saying that all atheists don't because we think it is not worth the trouble is it a gross generalisation and just plain wrong.
Even in above examples though, being devout does not equal being good. You can be a bad person and be devout and hate yourself. You won't be stable but I hope it gets my point accross. If you are devoted to a just god (witht he assumption that the god is actually just by most peoples definition) then it is LIKELY you are just or good, but not nesessarily. You can also be good without being devout to a just god.
Devout = the degree to which you are devoted to a deity
Good = how closely you are in line with what most people consider to be just and moral.
As far as your question to how the gods could not care: They may care, they may thank you and reward you for your devotion over all those years. But, a truly just god is not so egotistical as to punish you for not following exactly what he wants. He knows that you have free-will and might set your own path in life.
If the gods are unjust then we certainly should not worship them, in all likelyhood we are just feeding the trolls if we do.
If there are no gods then we cease to exist. The evidence of our good life DOES NOT DISSAPEAR! We have likely bettered the world for the next generation, our children and the future of the human race.
If, as most atheists believe, there is no afterlife then this life of ours is very precious and the greatest gift we could ever give would be to improve the lives of those who will come after us.
I can't think of how to explain it much better, it intuitively makes sense to me.
In response to you, I could just as easily say that all christians wanted to rape murder and steal and don't because god says no. In fact a number of things have lead some atheists to that conclusion. However, just like saying that all atheists don't because we think it is not worth the trouble is it a gross generalisation and just plain wrong.
Even in above examples though, being devout does not equal being good. You can be a bad person and be devout and hate yourself. You won't be stable but I hope it gets my point accross. If you are devoted to a just god (witht he assumption that the god is actually just by most peoples definition) then it is LIKELY you are just or good, but not nesessarily. You can also be good without being devout to a just god.
Devout = the degree to which you are devoted to a deity
Good = how closely you are in line with what most people consider to be just and moral.
As far as your question to how the gods could not care: They may care, they may thank you and reward you for your devotion over all those years. But, a truly just god is not so egotistical as to punish you for not following exactly what he wants. He knows that you have free-will and might set your own path in life.