How would the private sector defend against drug cartels?? They are already businesses, albeit illegal ones. They are already armed and ready to go defend their share of the market. I'd rather keep the imperfect police system and try to fix it (the police system), than to have to hire some mercenaries to defend my virtue and ensure my children's safety. I have no desire to live in a war zone. And what you are proposing, if agreed upon by rational, calm people, could work, it'd be quirky, but it is possible. But throw in the mix all the crazy, irrational people in this world and you get chaos.
You still haven't answered a basic question: How would laws or rules be determined? If there's no government, no Constitution, then there is no law.
You still haven't answered a basic question: How would laws or rules be determined? If there's no government, no Constitution, then there is no law.