RE: Proof that God doesn't exist
November 1, 2012 at 9:53 pm
(This post was last modified: November 1, 2012 at 10:40 pm by FallentoReason.)
Drich Wrote:Absoultly! because it is from your persumption that you believe that your understanding of the only appologetic that would denounce the existance of God is completely consistant with what the bible actually says. This appologetic aside I ask you to provide the scripture that gives the dates or time frames needed to show the deception you have outlined.
I should have clarified in the OP that it's a range of things that would be scientifically true, not just the age of the earth. I guess for A&E, evolution is the big one.
Quote:Actually no. You have not asked me where I thought the universe came from. If you had I would have said I don't know. Or I would have simply said God did it.
Jeewiz. So Biblical Theism has no answers for how the universe formed? Drich... c'mon

Quote:Your argueing an invalid arguement. Again I point to my arguement on evolution. One does not exclude the other.
Quote:One more time the theory I put forward in my evolution thread accounts for both creation AND leaves room for evolution. One does not mean the other is implausable.
God had to rely on unnatural means, i.e. bestiality, to produce the first true humans after creation. That's what you're proposing.
a) Such a bizzare mix of genes would leave behind traces of A&E DNA being injected into the natural course of evolution. Not surprisingly, it's only you that claims such a thing. Fossil records don't indicate that "external" genes were mixed in with the "monkey men" already existing. Otherwise the theory of evolution would naturally involve the observations that might make your unique claims true.
b) Bestiality doesn't produce proper life with a chance to live. It's two different species for God's sake!
Undeceived Wrote:FallentoReason,
Do you think God would have created the earth out of molten lava or simply 'spoke it into existence'?
From the big bang, I guess it follows that Earth and all other planets formed from "molten lava" or the natural process by which it happens.
(November 1, 2012 at 12:38 am)Godschild Wrote:(October 31, 2012 at 11:04 am)FallentoReason Wrote:
Now you should know better than take the scriptures and use them in unfounded ways, the Christians here are going to and in this case did call you out. First God willed into existence the materials the universe is made of, note the word made. Go back and read the creation account and you will discover God made all we see, God pleased Himself in His work of art.
Right, so where's the problem exactly? God made everything because he wanted to please himself i.e. it was in his will. I don't see the problem here with what I've said in the OP.
Quote:Where in scripture does it say God at times does not deceive, I've explained this to you before, or at least I believe it was you. You want to make God deceitful to fit your weak little idea, you missed the mark.
And why exactly does God want to sell the lie to us? Such a beast isn't worthy of being labelled "God".
Quote:Jesus did not come to vanquish an sin other than the ones we each commit, no one is held responsible for another's sin.
Oh really?
Romans 5:12
Therefore, just as sin entered the world through one man, and death through sin, and in this way death came to all men, because all sinned.
So A&E have absolutely nothing to do with what Jesus did on the cross? That's laughable.
Quote:The idea of the age of the universe has come into some scientific troubles, the red shift used to determine distance is being re-examined and very well could be faulty.
Evolution is what matters here, because that ultimately means that God's will was for us to take his willed words allegorically.
In the OP I was simply giving examples of what would be true. I really should have clarified that, but instead it came out wrong.
(November 1, 2012 at 4:25 am)Daniel Wrote:(October 31, 2012 at 11:04 am)FallentoReason Wrote: This is an extension of another thread that I started. I've fully fleshed out the idea and came to a definite conclusion using God himself.While you make a logical argument, anyone can disprove something if they're allowed to apply the rules of its components to its whole, and that remains the flaw in your argument. If I could prove that there is something in the Bible that is without a doubt an iron clad guarantee of divine working, would that prove to you that the whole of the Bible is true, or would you put it down to coincidence maybe?
I've taken the fundamentals of Christianity and shown why such a divine being can't possibly exist.
1) God created the universe
2) His universe reveals that evolution is true
3) His will must be for us to take Genesis allegorically
4) Original Sin never happened
5) The people leading up to Jesus are allegorical
6) Jesus, i.e. God, claims to be saving us from Original Sin
C) God is at war with his own wills. It's a fight between allegory and literal history. Therefore the logical explanation is that the Bible is the words of men who didn't know any better i.e. the Judeo-Christian God doesn't exist.
Quote:If you want to critisize something, you must do it on the merits of what it is. For instance, if it's political you do it politically, if it's science, you approach it scientifically.
So for a document such as the Bible, which makes bold claims on every aspect you can possibly think of, what do we do?
(November 1, 2012 at 5:31 am)DoubtVsFaith Wrote:(October 31, 2012 at 9:51 pm)FallentoReason Wrote: That basically brings us back to square one; what is this Original Sin that Jesus is saving us from?
Well, if it's purely allegorical we don't have to know what it is, you still haven't proved that it doesn't exist. If it's allegorical then, it could refer to a number of logically possible things.
So a divine being has gone through all this work just to leave the question open-ended? In all honesty, it just sounds like the words of men if that's the case. They've written these things down and now in our modern times we've furthered what they said through scientific observations to arrive at the conclusion you've stated here. In other words they might as well have admitted "we know crap all, but the future generations will grab this and special-plead ad infinitum to shoehorn God into the world."
I agree that your response could work, but what are we actually being saved from? The theology just sounds trivial then, because you can invent a handful of things to explain why Jesus had to die on the cross. See what I mean? It just sounds like we're dealing with Bronze Age superstition, not an intelligent being with a plan.
Quote:Quote:Works in mysterious ways that are synonomous to his non-existence.Works in mysterious ways that are indistinguishable to his non-existence, rather. It's not synonymous because it isn't a similar meaning - a "God that works in mysterious ways" is still a God.
Ah, yes, that's what I meant to say. Thanks for the correction.
Quote: It has a completely different meaning because it still implies that there was at least a "God" that created the universe and some other parts may be literal such as Jesus being himself incarnate. You can't disprove those parts if the rest is allegory. We can't tell the difference - but that's the whole point of the Christian God anyway - he's completely undetectable. He's invisible, intangible, etc, so how have you proved that he doesn't exist if the only literal parts are that God created the universe and Jesus is himself incarnate?
I haven't really agreed that Jesus was literal, because again, what is he actually dying for? The entire point to Christianity is that we mucked up in the garden and now Jesus has provided a way out. If there was no garden, then we never mucked up. The story doesn't add up.
Quote:Quote:That apologetic line is evasive and a cop out.I agree that there are many cop-outs, but that just proves that there's no evidence for God, it doesn't prove that he doesn't exist if the interpretation of his existence is the almost entirely allegorical case I described above.
I don't see how God's two wills can be reconcilled though.
Quote:[/quote]Quote:Sure, the "sloppiness" is subjective, but it nontheless shows God isn't all-powerful and couldn't will his word how he wanted to.You haven't demonstrated that he isn't "all powerful" if he merely "works in mysterious ways".
I refuse to believe this "mysterious ways" thing. He supposedly left behind his word that tells us about him. It's just a cop out, moving the goal posts and special pleading to explain how he really can still exist.
(November 1, 2012 at 8:09 am)John V Wrote:(October 31, 2012 at 9:51 pm)FallentoReason Wrote: Am I reading what I think I'm reading?Yes, and seemingly for the first time.
Quote:It's almost implied here that God is apathetic towards those that choose darkness, but on top of that he approves of it by selling that lie to us himself???As noted, it’s judgment, not apathy or approval.
Quote:I’d say we’re deceiving ourselves with our origins models, but the main point is that your conclusion/premise that “we can rest assured that the interpretation of the universe is exactly what he willed. This means that the universe really is 13.7 billion years old and that the earth is 4.5 billion years old” is unsupported.
True, humans are good at self-deception, with over 3 000+ gods ever imagined I'd say you've got a point.
Can you be more specific as to where we are deceiving ourselves? Is it through using God's willed universe to learn about God's willed universe or do we have God's willed word all wrong? Given what I said in the OP, I'd say the latter.
I'm going to clarify that I didn't mean to put so much weight on the age of stuff. Evolution is actually what knocks the dominoes over for the Bible.
Quote:Quote:No you don’t. This is another false dichotomy. You could also conclude that God allows Satan to attempt to deceive us for God’s own purposes. We don’t know all of God’s dealings with the angels.
If you're suggesting that Satan deceives through the physical world, then I have to conclude God isn't all-powerful or isn't all-knowing.
This is all white noise to me. We might as well be discussing who wins in a fight between the Hulk and Superman.
Quote:BTW, I’m not suggesting that Satan actually tampers with physical evidence. The deception is in the interpretation of facts, not the facts themselves. Creationists generally agree with evolutionists on objective measurements.
Creationists agree with evolutionists?? Oh really?
"It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it" ~ Aristotle