Quote:Can anyone give me a scientific reason not to be a "believer"?
You identity yourself as a Catholic, so I'll give you the main scientific reasons why your faith is wrong (starting from the most specific to the most general one):
a) the Transubstantiation is scientifically impossible. There is no such thing as a "substance" independent from the physical features of bread and wine. And you can't turn bread and wine into human flesh, unless you change the atomic nature of the components of bread and wine. And that's impossible without using an obscene amount of energy. There is no possible source for this kind of energy in a church.
b) Prayers don't work. This has been proven by several statistics.
c) the Resurrection is scientifically impossible. Dead bodies don't come back to life. It would be a violation of the law of entropy.
d) An intelligent, personal god contrasts with the chaotic nature of quantum mechanics and of the origins of the universe. Moreover, you don't need a personal creator to explain the origin and development of life: plenty of evidence (vestigial structures, "junk DNA" tells us that life evolved without a project.