(November 29, 2012 at 9:05 am)A Theist Wrote: Excellent points Cap...The leftwing quickly dismisses anything that doesn't fit within their leftist narrative...watch how fast and vicious these self proclaimed leftist champions of free speech will attack any opinion they disagree with...they don't want a discussion or a debate about issues, the Left wants to shut down the opposing voices and view points to the issues they embrace...
I can point out to you why I dismiss this text to which you posted a link of.
And yes I actualy read it.
It is a rant filled with factual errors and filled with a complete rejection of a womans individual rights. The hybris being that it calles for women to reject the achievments of the past 30 years and stateing that the emanzipation of the past years was the result of the sexual revolution of the 1960s.
It seems to be a common excuse, not for conservatives, but for hopelessly backwards neurotic individuals who dream of a repressive 1950s sociaty to blame everything on the "sexual revolution".
Be it the excuse for childrape by the catholic church. Or the "desintegration" of moral values - as preached by radical preachers within the western world.
A individual who has eaven the slightest bit of knowlege on the history of political and activist movements - will be well aware of the fact that womens rights movements certainly did not start or eaven achieve their goals through the sexual revolutions.
Historicaly it would be hard to deterime the point on which a serious womens rights movement started.
Did it start when the women who demanded equal rights for all citizens including their sex, after the French revolution where brought to the guilotene by Robbes Pierre?
Or did it start when the suffragetes demanded their right to vote in protests all across the main cities of western europe and the americas during the late 19th and early 20th century?
I dont know.
But what I do know for certain is - that it didn`t start nor gained completion during the sexual revolution of the 1960s.
What that achieved was for all of sociaty was the destruction of social norms imposed on the subject of sex.
What it gained for women (and men) was the de-demonisation of birth control.
Some might eaven argue that to some extent the sexual revolution furthered the exploitation of women.
But the core issue of the womans rights issue never was sex. It was equality. Equality in every single segment of sociaty. Which hasn`t been achieved jet in alot of countries throughout the globe.
And to build up some nonsence theorie, that the sexual revolution somehow injected a general hostility towards men within every single emanzpated womans set of thinking - is a horrible generalisation:
It gives the horrible backwards morrons for whom there is no more dispicabel thing as the sexual revolution another idiotic punchline to scream arround with.
It is a attempt to deminish the movements credibility by stateing that it is centered not arround that movements struggle for it`s rights - but arround a struggle based on the hatered of others.
Women are individuals. Individual participants in the pluralistic sociatal complex. They are not a monolithic block following a certain mindset!
This idea of all women being a zombie army following WAR set by the standerds of "the hatred of the sexual revolution" to which they were indoctrinated in - is funny, but to some extent a eaven scary acusation. Women are individuals! And as such not to obay the sociatial norms and conduct of "how to be a good woman" demanded by anyone! neighter conservative nore feminist or other. They choose for themselves!
This piece reads like nothing else but a pamphlet given out by a person making money by telling people things they want to hear over and over again.
Now. Coincedently I read a opinion article by Spiegel journalist Ralph Neukirch last week, in which he argues that institutionalised messures to create gender equality within sociaty have produced a system which has many disadvantiges for men.
It is not a text told to people so they can feel comfortabel with their own world view by having it constantly approved.
It is more or less writen to cause debate arround the issue of the in Germany mandetory womens quota within buisnesses.
If you are interested in a opinion text which doesn`t claim to be the absolute truth, but has been designed for debate, I will translate it into english and post it here.