It's really easy why politicians are allowing so many to become dependent on welfare. Let's just look at food stamps, most people work minimum wage jobs, so those people usually get on food stamps. Taxes are deducted from all workers, unless your rich, then you pay less or no taxes. Taxes are directed into welfare, which the working class pays for. And because the working class does not make enough to support it's self they get food stamps which come out of their taxes every single check. Organic food is more expensive than cheap pre-made gmo's. People buy food from the rich, who in turn contribute very little to the taxes. Basically were paying taxes to use food stamps which in turn are given as a very generous amount usually $200-500 a month. Which is more than the amount which is taken out of most checks. Therefore we pay taxes to use food stamps with interest that cannot be paid off.
Poor people.
Taxes ---> Food Stamps ---> Debt ---> Taxes
Rich people
Less Taxes ---> Food Stamps ---> Self ---> Less Taxes
I hope that I don't have anyone confused, nearly confused my self.
Poor people.
Taxes ---> Food Stamps ---> Debt ---> Taxes
Rich people
Less Taxes ---> Food Stamps ---> Self ---> Less Taxes
I hope that I don't have anyone confused, nearly confused my self.
Live every day as if already dead, that way you're not disappointed when you are.