I tried to raise my son to have a mind of his own. I just never heard him mention god and actually I can't recall him ever asking about god growing up. We just never discussed it. Now he is 21, in the Navy and married. The marriage hit a rough spot when a secret was reveled to his wife and she was very angry with him. He wrote on myspace, twice, that he was praying to God that things will work out. Well, she made her decision and thing aren't going to go his way. I haven't had a chance to talk to him since she made her decision, he's in Spain. I'm going to have to ask him what he feels about his prayer and god. My nephew is going through a bad divorce and he has turned to god to help him. My other nephew had many problems with the law and was homeless for a while, he turned to god to help him. Some one else I know had a cocaine problem and turned to god to help. I just wonder why certain people in a crisis turn to god to make things better. I've had a crisis or two in my life and I don't recall turning to god. I just picked myself up and moved on. I feel like yelling "Can't you do anything for yourself?"