I am not sure if this exists outside of Germany, here at the end of each year a group of journalists come together to vote and choose on the "word of the year" and "unword of the year".
"The word of the year" having to be in a possitive context and the "unword" in a negative context, on the past year.
We also have a "sentence of the year"
In 2011 "the word" was "Stresstest" (think it means the same in english) in context with the tests banks had to undertake in order to get more bailout money.
The unword was "Döner-Morde" (Kebab Murders) in context to the NSU terror attacks.
And the sentence was: "Fukushima hat meine Haltung zur Kernenergie verändert"
"Fukushima has changed my opinion on nuclear power"
Which is what Angela Merkel said after the incident in Fukushima whilest preparing a bill which would lead Germany out of using nuclear power, after she had previously before Fukushima aproved of a law which extends the years in which nuclear power plants can be on the net in Germany.
So far I only know that the word of the year is "Rettungsroutine" (saving routine) a term discribing the routine of pumping money into high dept countries to "save" their economies.
If this doesn`t officialy exist where you live, I would still be interested in what your choices would be.
For the US I suggest "legitemate rape" to be the unword of the year.
"The word of the year" having to be in a possitive context and the "unword" in a negative context, on the past year.
We also have a "sentence of the year"
In 2011 "the word" was "Stresstest" (think it means the same in english) in context with the tests banks had to undertake in order to get more bailout money.
The unword was "Döner-Morde" (Kebab Murders) in context to the NSU terror attacks.
And the sentence was: "Fukushima hat meine Haltung zur Kernenergie verändert"
"Fukushima has changed my opinion on nuclear power"
Which is what Angela Merkel said after the incident in Fukushima whilest preparing a bill which would lead Germany out of using nuclear power, after she had previously before Fukushima aproved of a law which extends the years in which nuclear power plants can be on the net in Germany.
So far I only know that the word of the year is "Rettungsroutine" (saving routine) a term discribing the routine of pumping money into high dept countries to "save" their economies.
If this doesn`t officialy exist where you live, I would still be interested in what your choices would be.
For the US I suggest "legitemate rape" to be the unword of the year.