Thanks for your response. Relative to your article I had actually read it a few days ago when I came across it in something you posted to someone else. I also understand your position.
One thing I do not understand, though, from your earlier post. You said:
"Mark was written around 70ce, Matthew and Luke afterward, followed by John at the end. These are not eyewitness accounts...So please, where are the accounts of Jesus by his disciples during his lifetime?"
You seem to be saying that an "eyewitness account" would have to be an account written during Jesus' life. That doesn't make sense to me. It seems to me that an "eyewitness account" is an account given by the person who personally witnessed the event. I don't see the relevance of when that account was put in writing, unless it was put in writing after the eyewitness was dead. Could you clarify this, please?
Thanks for your response. Relative to your article I had actually read it a few days ago when I came across it in something you posted to someone else. I also understand your position.
One thing I do not understand, though, from your earlier post. You said:
"Mark was written around 70ce, Matthew and Luke afterward, followed by John at the end. These are not eyewitness accounts...So please, where are the accounts of Jesus by his disciples during his lifetime?"
You seem to be saying that an "eyewitness account" would have to be an account written during Jesus' life. That doesn't make sense to me. It seems to me that an "eyewitness account" is an account given by the person who personally witnessed the event. I don't see the relevance of when that account was put in writing, unless it was put in writing after the eyewitness was dead. Could you clarify this, please?