It's not an embarrassment for all Christians, there are plenty of them who derive joy from pain and slaughter and call it good and righteous. There are Christians who rejoice at the image of God as an omnipresent Hitler, favoring those who praise him and meting out torture and mass murder to those who do not, as fr0d0's example above shows.
There are two types of Christians: the fairweather type who cling to Jesus on the mistaken assumption that he was a nice person who just wants us to be nice people (thus proving that they have never so much as sniffed a Bible in their lives), and cowardly, selfish psychopaths who understand that God is a monstrous dictator whose cruelty and unfairness is justified by his alleged all-powerful nature, and wish to sycophantically ally themselves with this monster in the interest of self-preservation.
There are two types of Christians: the fairweather type who cling to Jesus on the mistaken assumption that he was a nice person who just wants us to be nice people (thus proving that they have never so much as sniffed a Bible in their lives), and cowardly, selfish psychopaths who understand that God is a monstrous dictator whose cruelty and unfairness is justified by his alleged all-powerful nature, and wish to sycophantically ally themselves with this monster in the interest of self-preservation.