If you don't think your "heart" (conscience) exists, then whether or not God wrote the laws there or not is irrelevant. I believe we have morals that are not formed by society, that doesn't mean that society doesn't have a hand in shaping what we call "morals" as we mature. Watch small children and mentally challenged people, you may see what I see in them. I actually agree with the 10 commandments, they seem perfectly acceptable to me. Aside from the God ones, do you reject any of them?
I'm not sure if you've followed any of my threads, but I know the "scribes" lied in the NT, the inclusion of Hades and Tartarus proves that to me. However, I do believe some of it, especially the ones that predict that shit like Greek myths would be introduced. You don't need to follow the "written" law or even be aware of it. I can't call half of that oppresive shit "God's law" and the bible never tells you that you have to believe all of it. In fact, there are instructions in numerous places to use your reasoning to determine truth. "Prove all things; hold fast that which is good." and all that stuff.
Read Romans 2 and tell me thoughts on it if you don't mind, that is my main philosophy for rejecting the crap that I am sure is fucked up, man-made shit... It doesn't matter if you're a Christian or not, what matters in what's in your heart and your intentions...
I'm not sure if you've followed any of my threads, but I know the "scribes" lied in the NT, the inclusion of Hades and Tartarus proves that to me. However, I do believe some of it, especially the ones that predict that shit like Greek myths would be introduced. You don't need to follow the "written" law or even be aware of it. I can't call half of that oppresive shit "God's law" and the bible never tells you that you have to believe all of it. In fact, there are instructions in numerous places to use your reasoning to determine truth. "Prove all things; hold fast that which is good." and all that stuff.
Read Romans 2 and tell me thoughts on it if you don't mind, that is my main philosophy for rejecting the crap that I am sure is fucked up, man-made shit... It doesn't matter if you're a Christian or not, what matters in what's in your heart and your intentions...