I confess I have no idea where John V was going in deciding that atheist = sci-fi. But I also confess that I frequently have no idea where any conversations with theists on this board are going, mostly because I don't have the stamina for the mental masturbation, having a life to live and reality to concentrate on.
I also confess that I spent over $100 this weekend on 'fripparies' - prizes for our Darwin Day Bash (best hat, weirdest hat, etc), plus new stationary for me, plus expensive tea from a tea boutique (three kinds of black for David, one ginger and one botanical for me, all divine) and a toy for the dog where, when he holds it up in his mouth, it gives him one of those fake black hipster mustaches. He won't hold it up now that he learned that means the camera comes out, and he long ago learned that phone or camera means "hold still!" and said fuck that.
I also confess that I spent over $100 this weekend on 'fripparies' - prizes for our Darwin Day Bash (best hat, weirdest hat, etc), plus new stationary for me, plus expensive tea from a tea boutique (three kinds of black for David, one ginger and one botanical for me, all divine) and a toy for the dog where, when he holds it up in his mouth, it gives him one of those fake black hipster mustaches. He won't hold it up now that he learned that means the camera comes out, and he long ago learned that phone or camera means "hold still!" and said fuck that.