(November 8, 2009 at 3:44 pm)Scott Anonymous Wrote: Which way we stride is solely reliant on how we’re brought up and I stand by this resolute.
I, a Secular Humanist, ...
So you are a secular humanist because you were brought up (indoctinated) that way. How dare your parents teach you to be that way. They had no right. Consider what Richard Dawkins said:
Quote:“Do not indoctrinate your children; teach them how to think for themselves, how to evaluate evidence and how to disagree with you”
If your parents had done this, you would be a Christian right now.

BTW, I'll bet Richard Dawkins would indoctrinate his children to think like him, regardless of what he says, and I personally think he has a right to do just that regardless of what I think of his position.
When you say "unjust", what do you mean? Based on whose perspective? An absolute perspective or a subjective perspective?