You are behaving savage! Undermining human rights! Being totalitarian! Being the worlds biggest recipiant of antisemetic conspiracy shit! Discriminating and murdering minorities! And worst of all - blaming it all on foreigners whilest completly ignoring the truth that you are digging your own pit!
You cannot compare the little radical groups in western countries to the multibillion dollar organisations in the arab world who spread their hatred over tv! The organised and well funded network of dragging the world back into the medieval times!
I live in a democracy, with representatives of non radical parties elected by 70% of the population, with minorities being recognised and their discrimination forbidden! The only democracy!- WORKING democracy in your part of the world is israel, and you think you have some weird fucking privelege to be some moral judge over them whilest your country cannot even drag itself out of the 12th century?!
Shove your offer of forgiveness up your ass and learn more about what a democracy and tolerants mean rather than spewing this garbage!
You are in absolutly no possition to somehow critizise someones suposed "intolerants". Let alone in the weird possition to offer forgiveness for something which hasnt even been done!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You have no arguments! Which is why you go back to calling me racist! Because you know yourself that you live in a uncivilised, brutal erea of the globe, hopelessly holding on to medieval garbage and blaming others for their selfinflicted misery!
Before blaming others! Finaly learn to clean up your nation and it`s people should finaly learn to whipe it`s own ass!
You cannot compare the little radical groups in western countries to the multibillion dollar organisations in the arab world who spread their hatred over tv! The organised and well funded network of dragging the world back into the medieval times!
I live in a democracy, with representatives of non radical parties elected by 70% of the population, with minorities being recognised and their discrimination forbidden! The only democracy!- WORKING democracy in your part of the world is israel, and you think you have some weird fucking privelege to be some moral judge over them whilest your country cannot even drag itself out of the 12th century?!
Shove your offer of forgiveness up your ass and learn more about what a democracy and tolerants mean rather than spewing this garbage!
You are in absolutly no possition to somehow critizise someones suposed "intolerants". Let alone in the weird possition to offer forgiveness for something which hasnt even been done!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You have no arguments! Which is why you go back to calling me racist! Because you know yourself that you live in a uncivilised, brutal erea of the globe, hopelessly holding on to medieval garbage and blaming others for their selfinflicted misery!
Before blaming others! Finaly learn to clean up your nation and it`s people should finaly learn to whipe it`s own ass!