(March 31, 2013 at 12:31 am)Tex Wrote:whateverist Wrote:You claim to understand immaterial things. You claim you do not understand them with your brain. How could you possibly know that? Can you feel when your brain kicks into gear? I can't. The process is seamless.
The brain cannot process immaterial things.
Oh, I must have missed that. Now that you've repeated your bald assertion I see what you mean. NOT.
(March 31, 2013 at 12:31 am)Tex Wrote:whateverist Wrote:Now why should the brain not be able to process 'immaterial' things? All categories and concepts are immaterial. If these do not fall within the domain of the brain I'm afraid we may have no common understanding.
This was my original thought on the argument. Just saying, "The brain can't process it" is baseless. What must be said first is that the brain can only process stimuli which is has received.
(Not surprisingly) this contradicts your claim that the soul is an immaterial processor which handles thoughts which the brain in its materiality can't. What good does any of that soul processing do us if it is incapable of interfacing with our material bodies and brains? Or are you suggesting the soul is capable of producing material sparks to inform our thoughts? What a tortured construction this theory of yours is. Like a car crash, I somehow can't look away.
(March 31, 2013 at 12:31 am)Tex Wrote: Quantity is a part of reality.
I will go you one better and claim only everything is part of reality. By saying that what really have I said? It is a tautology. Likewise, your "quantity is a part of reality" says more about how inclusive reality is than it does about quantity. Everything that is is real. Things that are not, like your nonphysical processor, are not real except in so far as they exist in your imagination. I'm afraid your nonphysical processor is a very private subjective object, existing no where else but your mind.