And yet, Vae, those who actually go to war in the modern day are always a minority percentage of the population of the nation waging said war. Last time we had total war was WWII, and as I recall that was caused by two aggressive nations dragging about a dozen other nations into defending themselves and their interests...a minority as opposed to a majority. And, well, we all see what happens when the minority aggressors go up against the majority defenders. War is a different story as it is; it's done for a reason, though sometimes a really bad reason...and how strange indeed that aggressive nations are often looked down upon in history when their only goal was conquest. The mongols led a mighty conquest across Asia and while they may have brought roads and trade to many nations and peoples, we still look down on them because they were murderous bloodthirsty warmongers. The only people who venerate them are the macho-man chest-beating types who think they were totally awesome because they were totally killy, not realizing that if they were alive in those days, the mongols would've cut them down just as happily as anyone else. The Romans are perhaps one of the sole examples of a civilization that was a war-power that are still respected, and this is largely because they were highly disciplined and in their wake, those conquered benefited from being brought under Roman control, for the most part.
It all depends on the reason. Reason is what differentiates whether what you do is good or bad. Even if it's good to you, if it harms the greater whole, it's bad. Ad populum.
Bombing a marathon isn't good. Nor is it even really something to joke about happening. Besides, you know precisely what society I was talking about, don't be coy. ;D Or, actually, keep being coy, it's one of the things we love about ya.
It all depends on the reason. Reason is what differentiates whether what you do is good or bad. Even if it's good to you, if it harms the greater whole, it's bad. Ad populum.
Bombing a marathon isn't good. Nor is it even really something to joke about happening. Besides, you know precisely what society I was talking about, don't be coy. ;D Or, actually, keep being coy, it's one of the things we love about ya.