And I maintain that I know plenty of others who understand how serious a responsibility owning a firearm is and actually strive to maintain that level of responsibility. 
There's a difference between believing you're responsible, and showing you're responsible. Believing you're responsible is saying "I take care of my guns!" while thinking that storing the ol' .22 in a shoebox in the closet while you have kids in the house is safely storing your gun. Showing you're responsible is locking those sumbitches in a thumbprint safe, with the safeties on and ammo NEVER stored in the gun.
That dumbass cop should never have had all of his guns out. He thought he was a responsible gun owner. Clearly he showed he wasn't.
Of course this then asks the question of "how do we determine who is responsible and who isn't?" That's a very damn good question. I'd personally like to add a measure into the bill where not only are background checks necessary but so are mandatory safety, maintenance, and responsibility classes that require testing that you must score perfect or damn-near perfect on before you can even get your license to own a firearm.
Of course the fucking NRA is just cockblocking any sense of reasonable discussion on this, so...fuck.

There's a difference between believing you're responsible, and showing you're responsible. Believing you're responsible is saying "I take care of my guns!" while thinking that storing the ol' .22 in a shoebox in the closet while you have kids in the house is safely storing your gun. Showing you're responsible is locking those sumbitches in a thumbprint safe, with the safeties on and ammo NEVER stored in the gun.
That dumbass cop should never have had all of his guns out. He thought he was a responsible gun owner. Clearly he showed he wasn't.
Of course this then asks the question of "how do we determine who is responsible and who isn't?" That's a very damn good question. I'd personally like to add a measure into the bill where not only are background checks necessary but so are mandatory safety, maintenance, and responsibility classes that require testing that you must score perfect or damn-near perfect on before you can even get your license to own a firearm.
Of course the fucking NRA is just cockblocking any sense of reasonable discussion on this, so...fuck.