(May 1, 2013 at 5:17 pm)viocjit Wrote: Hi ! I'm an Agnostic Christian and I hesitate between Atheism and Christianity.You could be pure agnostic too, I suppose.
(May 1, 2013 at 5:17 pm)viocjit Wrote: 1.Since my 4 years old I always had the feeling that I will take part to the last battle (Armageddon).As for the first, I'm not sure exactly what you mean by "feeling" that you would be in the battle of Armageddon. Regardless, I don't think this means anything (especially since some theists, even, consider Revelation to be metaphorical/allegorical)
That is maybe because I heared a lot of things about God during this time or this feeling is not an illusion like this is the reality.
2.The first time where I can listened by accident (funfair) an Eurodance music (No limit by Knut) I had the sensation to be connected with the universe.
This is probably an illusion or that is possible.
3.Why I have all time (since my 4 years old) this weird sensation in my Thorax , a sensation to be like a empty memory card.
I have a spiritual problem or this is biologic other possibility this is neurologic or this is only a psychological sensation.
The second feeling doesn't even really relate to god. I'm not sure what the third would be (I am not a psychologist, and the description is a bit vague), but historically in "god did it" vs. natural explanation, all confirmed phenomena have come out as natural.
(May 1, 2013 at 5:17 pm)viocjit Wrote: 4.If God does not exist how the chaos created this world ?"Stardust" condensed under its own gravity to form terrestrial spheres (the planets). Google would probably give a fuller explanation, but the process by which stars and planets form is fairly well understood.
(May 1, 2013 at 5:17 pm)viocjit Wrote: 5.If the soul does not exist how I can exist ? there are probably something before the human life and after.Why would there need to be a soul for you to exist? If you are referring to consciousness, then you have to draw a line of brain complexity where the simpler animals have no soul, and the more complex ones do (unless you say no animals have a soul other than humans). There are various levels of brain evolution observed across different animal phyla, demonstrating that consciousness did not just fall out of the sky.
(May 1, 2013 at 5:17 pm)viocjit Wrote: 6.How the Evolution Theory can be the truth (I'm not creationist) ?If you knew more about evolution, you probably wouldn't be asking this.
Basically, random genetic mutations that occur in genes are either positive, negative, or neutral. Organisms who are negatively mutated (note that "mutated" may only refer to a single gene that only has a relatively small physical difference, or even none at all) have a decreased chance of survival (and hence decreased chance of reproducing and passing on their lesser genes) and one with positive mutations are the opposite. It must be noted that changes in traits are relative to survival in the organism's current habitat, and will not necessarily be advantageous in other locations. Also, evolution isn't in a straight line. Two or more viable (not even necessarily equally viable) evolutionary paths may lead to speciation. It doesn't need to be survival of the fittest, just survival of the fit enough.
(May 1, 2013 at 5:17 pm)viocjit Wrote: 7.If God does exist really why does he exist ?I have no idea. The idea of an all-powerful being existing at all strikes me as impossible, but to exist ex nihilo prior to a finite universe that couldn't exist ex nihilo is even stranger. (And yes, I have hear "he always existed" but that presents its own problems). Long story short: I can't imagine why he would exist.
(May 1, 2013 at 5:17 pm)viocjit Wrote: 8.How was the world before the Big Bang (this universe is maybe a part of the multiverse some physical theories speak about that) ?I don't know, nor do I claim to. Not knowing doesn't mean you can pick any answer you like, even if there isn't good evidence for it. There certainly isn't strong evidence for a multiverse at the time being. It doesn't mean there certainly isn't one, but we can't claim that there is yet, either.
(May 1, 2013 at 5:17 pm)viocjit Wrote: 9.How contact God without pray and without speak therefore how feeling God ?How would I know? Prayer doesn't even seem to contact him (if he exists). But if you can't seem to make contact with him, you aren't alone. A lot of theists will either argue that you have no right to ask god to do something (namely, prove his own existence by contacting you) or that he is testing your faith. One should not place unlimited faith in something. If your faith is tested too much, you should consider dropping it, and examining the concept on its own merits (or lack therof).
(May 1, 2013 at 5:17 pm)viocjit Wrote: 10.Believe in God is maybe irrational but why the chaos is rational ?Entropy.
But, sometimes order arises from disorder (i.e. snowflakes). So no, entropy isn't a valid argument against abiogenesis and/or evolution.
John Adams Wrote:The Government of the United States of America is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion.