(May 30, 2013 at 12:08 am)Godschild Wrote:
Ryan Wrote:All we're doing is comparing fictional characters. It is all of no consequence.
My God is not a fictional character. Your use of the fictional crime boss is a crime.
GC Wrote:
Ryan Wrote:You implied that if the boss had that power, then there would be nothing morally wrong with the boss inflicting whatever sort of punishments he wants, for whatever reason he wants. Because, this is precisely what you think of your boss, is it not?
Your crime boss has no power to do that, you were the one who brought the crime boss into this and assumed he had the power. You were the one who said the crime boss would be morally correct, it was myself who said your crime boss was not capable of such powers and the argument from the crime boss was nothing short of stupid.
GC Wrote:You must be crazy, I said Satan took advantage of Adam and Eve, the same as the crime boss did the store owner.
Ryan Wrote:They were being taken advantage of by God by being entrapped. In fact, what reason do I have to think that the serpent was not God trying to test them?
They were tempted by Satan and scripture tells us God never tempts anyone. You can reason anything your little brain can come up with, want change a thing.
GC Wrote:You are being fooled if you think Satan is not responsible for a great deal of the evil in the world.
Ryan Wrote:Said the Nazis about the Jews.
As a matter of fact many Nazis were against the jailing and treatment of the Jewish people. You couldn't come up with a responsible answer if your life depended on it.
GC Wrote:We are told that Satan is so evil only the power of God holds him back from destroying the human race.
Ryan Wrote:Of course you are told that. It's propaganda. Again, look to recent history for exact parallels.
It is from scripture, I thought you said you knew the scriptures. When I look at the great evils in history I see Satan written all over it.
GC Wrote:
Ryan Wrote:So, you are admitting that your god frequently engages in activities which are not righteous? This is not about my opinion. This is about whether you think that every act of God is good and righteous, no matter what it is, and your justification for your belief.
No, I did not say that and you know it, so why are you trying to make it look like I said that, you're being dishonest. I gave you an answer to that question, didn't you like what I said, well of coarse not, it goes against your beliefs.
GC Wrote:But if I was, But if I was, But if I was, you ain't and never will be so why bring it up. God can not do what ever He wants, if He did something sinful He would no longer be the God worshiped by Christians, and in actuality it is impossible for God to do anything outside His righteous self.
Ryan Wrote:1. Killing is a sin, according to God
2. God killed millions of people in the Bible
3. God sinned
Murder is a sin according to God and, that commandment you'll want to toss out, God gave to man not to Himself, God takes life only after judgement through His righteous nature. Scripture says God can not sin, just how hard is this to understand.
GC Wrote:What now, you want me to answer without an explanation. I suppose to do it your way or no way, you need to get real.
Any action God takes goes through His love and righteous judgement. I accept what God determines, He is omniscient He does know what's best.
Ryan Wrote:Killing millions of innocents, as punishment for sins they cannot possibly have committed, is expressive of love and righteous judgement? Explain why you believe this.
God did not kill millions of innocent people. You need to bring proof of your statement, of those who died how do you know what sins they did or did not commit, please be specific on this so we can determine if they were sins or not.
GC Wrote:You have very few relevant questions, mostly childish tripe, grow up and start using relevant statements and/or questions. I'm tired of going through this nonsense of, but if or but if I.
Ryan Wrote:The problem is not the questions I ask. The problem is that you lack integrity to answer them honestly.
Like I said your tripe is worthless, I will answer relevant questions, of coarse I did answer some ridiculous ones this time.
God loves those who believe and those who do not and the same goes for me, you have no choice in this matter. That puts the matter of total free will to rest.