You will find that most of the intellectually honest has these doubts. A lot of time it is the feeling of losing that hope or losing most of their friends that prevents them from ever really talking about it. I had the same fears that with out god I would have no morals, or no purpose. But with out god my morals are more aligned and they are more true. I follow my morals not based on some kind of punishment tab that is written in a book, or maintain my status in the "book of life". They are genuine because they are part of my character, my personality. Also, I am more myself than ever been, I no longer have to follow a definition of what "is good" now I can follow my own moral compass and my own personal feelings. I really want to go into biology and be a scientist. This was not possible through religion (atleast in my location) because science is met with extreme suspicion and you "always" have to apologize for evolution against ignorant people. I feel religion serves it purpose, but with science, philosophies that are not mixed, and rational thought we do not need religion anymore. I also like to make mention I am more spiritual (I use loosely) than I been.
I would be a televangelist....but I have too much of a soul.