(June 25, 2013 at 2:38 am)k2490 Wrote: I hope you don't mind all these posts it's just I have not many people to talk to about it....and I have lots to share
Same church different event. My friends church had a children's service in another room,I went with because I figured time would go by faster.
some highlights:
1. They talked about Samuel and his birth and his mother Hannah praying for a child
2.they talked about how God talked to Samuel and how it's different then how God talks to us today. the woman leading the group said "The world calls it your conscience but it's really the voice of God..
She went on to how you can hear the voice of God,by reading your Bible and praying.
Sometimes I wonder where the voice of God is in the most devastating circumstances. And what about sociopaths? or people who seem to have no conscience is that just Satan?
3. One of the kids said(when asked about a story they heard in the bible) they said "Like the land of the lost?" and she said no this is real,all the stuff that happened in the Bible was real.
anyway this just was in my head today
just seeing the kids and being taught about the God above. and these different things. they have thing little bracelets that say P.U.S.H(pray until something happens)
comments? questions? did this even make sense?
Sad is about all you can say. Most of our species history involves humans indoctrinating their youth into a cultural superstition because it is easier to sell a comforting lie than to teach a kid to think for themselves. I wouldn't limit this criticism to Christianity, but more to our species defaulting to willful ignorance.
Evolution isn't about getting facts right, all that is required is to make a baby. The ancient Egyptians were successful for 3,000 years centered around the false belief that the sun was a thinking deity.
Science as method has only been widely on the map for a short period of time. It is going to take a long time to undue the superstitious memes humans pass down to the youth of the planet. The good part is the more media spreads and technology improves the less dependent people are on superstition.