anti-GMO who claim that because GMO have altered genes it'll cause all sorts of weird things in humans if we eat it, is antiscience, because it is not backed by evidence. Won't comment on pesticides as I don't know too much about what they use, but since nonGMO crops rot quicker and are less resistent to pests, wouldn't you need more pesticide to get the same yield as GMO? If it's pesticide you're worried about.
Anything can be toxic. The dose makes the poison. This is because they have an effect on the body, and too much of that effect is undesirable and therefore deemed toxic. Sometimes at high enough dose the same mechanism of action has another effect, depending on the drug. That is why alternative home remedies made of food are always thought of as being "safer", because in truth it doesn't do much, which means it can't cause side effects since it has less effect to begin with (sometimes even no effect).
I'll be very surprised if FDA says tylenol is a safe drug. It has a very narrow therapeutic window, meaning you can easily overdose, and it is deadly when you do. Everyone should read the label and not take more than recommended. Whether or not it's a better remedy for pain than weed is a scientific question, and it works differently for everyone. As everyone has different rates of metabolizing drugs. More often people who take medication takes what works for them, not really the safest option that doesn't work all that well. And yes marijuana is safe. Opiates are very effective as painkillers, and they should be prescribed if people are in pain. Also FDA is not science.
Anything can be toxic. The dose makes the poison. This is because they have an effect on the body, and too much of that effect is undesirable and therefore deemed toxic. Sometimes at high enough dose the same mechanism of action has another effect, depending on the drug. That is why alternative home remedies made of food are always thought of as being "safer", because in truth it doesn't do much, which means it can't cause side effects since it has less effect to begin with (sometimes even no effect).
I'll be very surprised if FDA says tylenol is a safe drug. It has a very narrow therapeutic window, meaning you can easily overdose, and it is deadly when you do. Everyone should read the label and not take more than recommended. Whether or not it's a better remedy for pain than weed is a scientific question, and it works differently for everyone. As everyone has different rates of metabolizing drugs. More often people who take medication takes what works for them, not really the safest option that doesn't work all that well. And yes marijuana is safe. Opiates are very effective as painkillers, and they should be prescribed if people are in pain. Also FDA is not science.