The wrong perception of Islam as anti capitalist liberation theology by radical left
July 4, 2013 at 7:42 pm
Does anyone else here know George Galloway?
He is the most disgusting political figure n Britain and probably amongst the most disgusting in Europe. A scotish representative in the British parlaimant, he was expelled from there for having been reveiled to have done buisness with Sadam Hussain. After the overthrow of Saddam he started working for the Iranian propagandachannel "PressTV" and has since then been the Iranian mouthpiece for propaganda in the west. He supports a fascist right wing islamic state whilest claiming to be a leftist. He claims that the sadest day of his life was when the soviet union collapses, yet gave speeches on Hisbollah TV in which he said:
He also likes using conspiracy theories:
and an obvious hypocrit:
Both radical islam and the radical left have completly opposing views on most issues, the political conection between the two is the result of the cold war. Back then the Ussr and several radical leftist organisations aligned themselves and supported various islamist element throughout the middle east. The reason for that was a simple one - those groups fought against western principles, countries and organisations. These actions created the myth of Islam as a liberation theology to fight capitalism.
In the west, various countries supported some of the most brutal right wing regimes in the world, such as in Chile, Argentina, Brazil or Greeze. But unlike the radical left - democratic movements never created a false theory of fascism and right wing military huntas as a "liberation process which leads to democracy" and most of those regimes supported by the west became later targets by them for their undemocratic ways.
Yet the radical left still continues to often support radical islam as an anticapitalist movement.
Recently a leftist german politician was seen with some of the vilest antisemites at a pro palestinian rally and only today, I read this post by the formus resident prophet of godwin:
How come this false perception of Islam is still present within the radical left? Are they to dumb to accept the end of the cold war? Or to irrational to see the savage truth?
He is the most disgusting political figure n Britain and probably amongst the most disgusting in Europe. A scotish representative in the British parlaimant, he was expelled from there for having been reveiled to have done buisness with Sadam Hussain. After the overthrow of Saddam he started working for the Iranian propagandachannel "PressTV" and has since then been the Iranian mouthpiece for propaganda in the west. He supports a fascist right wing islamic state whilest claiming to be a leftist. He claims that the sadest day of his life was when the soviet union collapses, yet gave speeches on Hisbollah TV in which he said:
He also likes using conspiracy theories:
and an obvious hypocrit:
Both radical islam and the radical left have completly opposing views on most issues, the political conection between the two is the result of the cold war. Back then the Ussr and several radical leftist organisations aligned themselves and supported various islamist element throughout the middle east. The reason for that was a simple one - those groups fought against western principles, countries and organisations. These actions created the myth of Islam as a liberation theology to fight capitalism.
In the west, various countries supported some of the most brutal right wing regimes in the world, such as in Chile, Argentina, Brazil or Greeze. But unlike the radical left - democratic movements never created a false theory of fascism and right wing military huntas as a "liberation process which leads to democracy" and most of those regimes supported by the west became later targets by them for their undemocratic ways.
Yet the radical left still continues to often support radical islam as an anticapitalist movement.
Recently a leftist german politician was seen with some of the vilest antisemites at a pro palestinian rally and only today, I read this post by the formus resident prophet of godwin:
(July 4, 2013 at 6:20 pm)cratehorus Wrote: let's just kill everyone who isn't communist, anyone who is muslim christian or whatever should be killed
How come this false perception of Islam is still present within the radical left? Are they to dumb to accept the end of the cold war? Or to irrational to see the savage truth?