Today, Christianity is the most common religion in America today. Before Christianity, there were many other religions, but most of them have died out today. You will undoubtedly see numerous Christian churches when driving through the United States, and they range from Catholic, the various branches of the Protestant faith, and East Orthodox.
So why has Christianity survived for so many years, while the other religions like Paganism (a minority) and other indigenous religions mostly died out?
One possible answer is the theory of Post Modernism. A theory that came after Traditionalism and Modernism, Post Modernism says that practically everything we see in life is a social construction, and is therefore subject to change. For example, "women wear dresses and men wear pants". That is a perfect example because it is a cultural custom from long ago, which changed with time. Today, women wear pants all of the time, and there are even some men who wear dresses (transvestites). Religions are also a social construction that have been subjected to many different changes over time. Catholicism was the only form of Christianity, then it branched off into Protestantism, which in turn branched off into Presbyterianism and Methodism.
But how has Christianity and its many branches survived for so many years? One large reason, I would argue, is fear manipulation. Christianity is indeed a very bigoted religion. One of the Ten Commandments instructs disciples not to worship any deity other than the Christian God, obviously acknowledging that there are other gods in existence. This explains why Christians see Atheists and other religions' adherents as enemies of god. I conversed with a fellow on Youtube the other day who claimed that he does not closely associate with Atheists precisely for this reason. If that is the Christian God's law, then God's law is bigoted. If you worship any gods other than that of the Christian church's, then you are going to hell and will burn for all of eternity.
Look at the intense fear manipulation there. Fear is, indeed, the most dominant of human emotions. Fear is precisely the reason why people give money to televangelists like Pat Robertson and Bryan Fischer; they think the Christian Coalition and American Family Association will get them a ticket to heaven if they join their depraved cause. These false prophets also have wide access to mass media, and their shows are broadcasted all over television and radio.
After and if the Christian churches die out, I wonder what religions will come next. The Church of Peter Griffin? The Church of the Cheshire Cat from Alice in Wonderland? That will be interesting to see.
So why has Christianity survived for so many years, while the other religions like Paganism (a minority) and other indigenous religions mostly died out?
One possible answer is the theory of Post Modernism. A theory that came after Traditionalism and Modernism, Post Modernism says that practically everything we see in life is a social construction, and is therefore subject to change. For example, "women wear dresses and men wear pants". That is a perfect example because it is a cultural custom from long ago, which changed with time. Today, women wear pants all of the time, and there are even some men who wear dresses (transvestites). Religions are also a social construction that have been subjected to many different changes over time. Catholicism was the only form of Christianity, then it branched off into Protestantism, which in turn branched off into Presbyterianism and Methodism.
But how has Christianity and its many branches survived for so many years? One large reason, I would argue, is fear manipulation. Christianity is indeed a very bigoted religion. One of the Ten Commandments instructs disciples not to worship any deity other than the Christian God, obviously acknowledging that there are other gods in existence. This explains why Christians see Atheists and other religions' adherents as enemies of god. I conversed with a fellow on Youtube the other day who claimed that he does not closely associate with Atheists precisely for this reason. If that is the Christian God's law, then God's law is bigoted. If you worship any gods other than that of the Christian church's, then you are going to hell and will burn for all of eternity.
Look at the intense fear manipulation there. Fear is, indeed, the most dominant of human emotions. Fear is precisely the reason why people give money to televangelists like Pat Robertson and Bryan Fischer; they think the Christian Coalition and American Family Association will get them a ticket to heaven if they join their depraved cause. These false prophets also have wide access to mass media, and their shows are broadcasted all over television and radio.
After and if the Christian churches die out, I wonder what religions will come next. The Church of Peter Griffin? The Church of the Cheshire Cat from Alice in Wonderland? That will be interesting to see.