I was going to make extreme fun of you then I went back and read an old discussion and have to agree with you. Ok, so it is a tautology that "every thing exists" but that does not mean that everything is real or ontologically existant.
We did have a thread where there was much talk about the difference between "real" and "exist" although I don't think that anybody expressed an idea related to language not being able to express thoughts about something that does not exist. I am sure you will be enlightened if you check out this thread:
Ok admittedly much of it is just us goofing around but there is some good stuff in there starting with Arcanus' question.
We did have a thread where there was much talk about the difference between "real" and "exist" although I don't think that anybody expressed an idea related to language not being able to express thoughts about something that does not exist. I am sure you will be enlightened if you check out this thread:
Ok admittedly much of it is just us goofing around but there is some good stuff in there starting with Arcanus' question.