Daystar, you explained 'sin' very well (love the Owner, Landlord analogy). I can see why atheists don't like the word, that is clear. I for one am a 'bad' sinner or rather I've done things I know are wrong (even from a non religious point of view). I try to not 'sin' but know I miss the mark every day and in many ways, but I don't let it 'beat me'. I just try harder not to for example lose my temper or say a sarcastic comment, stuff like that. I must say, a big sin I commit every day is that I 'live' with my partner. We are not married, but my belief in God, Christ etc is not strong enough to motivate me to change that (at the minute). I know you guys will be laughing at this. My partner is an atheist and doesn't believe in the religious connotations of marriage, but says he will marry me one day. I want to get married but I don't want to force him because of my beliefs. Anyway, EvidenceVsFaith, you make some interesting points which I will await Daystar's response to. I'm sure if God really does exist, He isn't 'hurt' by the fact you don't believe in Him, maybe saddened but He can see why that is (if He is as loving etc as is claimed).
"The eternal mystery of the world is its comprehensibility"
Albert Einstein
Albert Einstein