Quote:What about this bone box from 63 AD mentioning Jesus? http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnew...suary.html
Josephus speaks of over 20 jesuses ( Y'shua - transliterated as Iesou in Greek and (much) later as "Jesus" in Latin when they got around to inventing the letter "J."
It was a very common name. For that matter, so was Yosep. So Y'shua bar Yosep would have been a dime a dozen. BTW, none of the Y'shua's that Josephus wrote about died and came back from the dead. A number of them were killed....but they stayed DEAD. Centuries later, the noted xtian liar Eusebius suddenly (ahem) "discovered" the so-called Testimonium Flavianum when the absence of your godboy from the historical record became an embarrassment to the newly empowered xtian thugs who supported Constantine in his bid for power. Luckily for us a somewhat earlier xtian writer named Origen had made specific reference to Book XVIII of Antiquities of the Jews and not only did not find the glorious reference which Eusebius later "discovered" ( but only if "discovered" in this instance means "forged!") he directly contradicts Eusebius' later claim.
I am sure that there are xtian scholars who will go to their graves swearing that Acts and Luke and Matty and the rest of the holy horseshit were written while the godboy was still bleeding on the fucking cross. They were not. The earliest xtian writers know nothing about them.
Xtianity, as we now know it, emerged in the mid-2d century and even then underwent continuous revision.
You believe in a pile of man-made shit, my son.