RE: The Case for Atheism
August 15, 2013 at 9:53 am
(This post was last modified: August 15, 2013 at 10:38 am by AnaMejiaP.)
(August 14, 2013 at 3:47 am)pineapplebunnybounce Wrote: @AnaMejiaP, thanks for replying.
I'm less concerned with what god commands and more concerned about the truth claims the bible makes. According to what you've said, you take the creation story and Noah's ark to be literal? And when jesus chased out demons from possessed people, is that literal too? Or does he mean metaphorically and was actually giving them counselling and antipsychotics for their mental illnesses?
A lot of Christians would say these are metaphorical stories. The bible doesn't say any of these are visions or laments and they don't even involve a lot of fantastical things in the possessions story, but hindsight is 20/20. A lot of atheists/christians think that it's fine to be a christian and not believe in the creation story, that doesn't work for me. If god has a book, he doesn't get to make so many mistakes, it's all or none.
I asked because your belief sounds very rooted in the bible, and I wanted to see how you view things. And I'm tired of being told bad things are metaphorical while good things are literal.
All the mistakes in the bible is why I'm convinced that even if a god truly exists, Christianity certainly got it wrong. But if you look closely enough in nature, it becomes clear that it's highly, highly, highly improbable that any god exists.
The reason I decided to join here is to grasp the different point of views. I did not say that I hold all knowledge of the universe and if I indirectly implied so I am sorry. I can be ignorant at times. I do, hold the opinion that Noah and, the casting out of Demons Jesus perform and among other things were literal. (Can I prove it? No, all I have to go by are through eye witness accounts that Luke claimed it came from and his personal voyage with Paul, his disciples, Jesus's brother, the time gap that all of the gospel were being written, the historical knowledge, outside sources and among other things. Even in the OT, despite its claim (and yes like it has been previously mentioned that most books in the OT were written after the fact. But there's no scholars whether liberal or traditionalist who deny that the OT is a historical book. Like cities in the ANE that once thought to be myths were found to be true in externaI records, the Egyptians names were used accurately etc. (Notice I do not say that they were Israelites in Egypt) I agree most Christians hold the Bible to be more figuratively, and actually about 20% of Christians don't believe in Christ resurrection, and some don't believe that the Bible was inspired by God. I never said that I am complete certain that I am correct in my thoughts and logic in fact I may be wrong. (I did however say that I do believe Christianity to be more apparent than others but then again, I can be wrong) Among other things the Bible does encourage it to be tested and also states if evidence of Christ resurrection is false then consider it as rubbish. My roots are not merely based on The Bible, it's also about my own personal experiences that seems to difficult to explain. It's the most hardest thing that I believe any human can experience and follow. If any Christian says that being a Christian is easy than they are either A) lying or B) never experience truly what a Christian is about. Every Christian struggles whether it's sin, temptation, doubt, disbelief etc. I struggle, most to many Atheist would label me as "holy, bigot, ignorant, intolerable, jesus freak, etc" ( I say that may come from Christians who are thought to be holy art thou, intolerant, who are legalistic (like Christians can't smoke, drink, use profanity or have sex)that's bullshit by the way)) but really they're Christians who are not like that, they just give us a bad rep. I'm not holy, I won't ever consider myself as if I were, I'm not special or perfect. I won't try to shove my theology, religion, or Jesus inside someones throat, no why would I? The same questions you have asked about God and the Bible, I have asked myself countless time, all I have is to learn more, research and keep looking, oh and that thing called faith lol. By the way, thank you for answering my previous question.
(August 14, 2013 at 1:22 pm)pocaracas Wrote:(August 13, 2013 at 5:27 pm)pocaracas Wrote:Ahhh... to be ignored. It's always an awesome ego boost
I'm sorry, I did not mean to ignore you. I'm still trying to get a handle on these forums and it still confuses me. Anyway, thanks for answering my question, it's much better than the usual "no evidence" response.