As a newly deconverted christian, I have recently had many exciting talks with my theist friends. While I no longer instigate religious conversations, I do often find myself in such conversations due merely to my associates initiating them. Now, keep in mind, I have always been direct. When the conversation does come up, and I tell my theist friends that I am atheist, they look at me like I have the plague. Keep in mind that most of my friends knew me as an evangelical christian. It seems almost beyond belief (pun intended) for them to consider how I could leave the faith. I’ve been told by christians that I was never a true christian in the first place (I too, have used 1John 2:19 to be a dick in the past). One pastor even told me that he used to be atheist, to which I replied, “Then you were never a true atheist in the first place.” At issue for me are the ones who say, in their ever so piously condescending way, “Well I don’t care that you've changed, I still love you.” WTF?! Are you serious? And how have I changed? I'm still the same person (a bit of a prick). It’s not like I just confessed to committing a crime… Or is it? And who is the judge? You still love me? Really, I mean, did you ever love ME, or just what I supported in YOU?
If any christians would like to comment on this “I still love you” phenomenon, that’d be great. Because I don’t believe you. I think once you learn that I WILL NEVER be so ignorant ever again as to believe the fairy tale fiction you want to ram down my throat to make your pathetic selves feel better about believing in some bullshit, that you will in fact reveal your “love” as nothing more than what I already suspect it is…. Unreal, just like the god who “authored” it. Anyone?
If any christians would like to comment on this “I still love you” phenomenon, that’d be great. Because I don’t believe you. I think once you learn that I WILL NEVER be so ignorant ever again as to believe the fairy tale fiction you want to ram down my throat to make your pathetic selves feel better about believing in some bullshit, that you will in fact reveal your “love” as nothing more than what I already suspect it is…. Unreal, just like the god who “authored” it. Anyone?