Quote:I'm sorry, but I just vomited in my mouth a little. Your propensity to claim all accomplishments of humanity both pre and post-Christ era is not only astonishingly ignorant, it is egregiously arrogant.
The morality you have right now is derived fully from a Christian culture and society, and ultimately from Christ himself. You don't have the moral standards of an ancient pagan Greek, you don't have the moral standards a Norse Viking, a medieval Mongol, a Zoroastrian Persian no you have Christ woven into the fabric of your very bones even if you're rejecting the God that gives this morality any real defined substance beyond the collective opinion of human minds. This is what you were raised with, this is what in yeh. And whats "in yeh" is essentially good.
Quote:To do so, you have discarded and degraded the history of all of Eastern culture, all in the name of glorifying your god.
Other religions are mans various attempts at reaching out to God so they contain good moral teachings as well. Though they tend not to have everything Christ taught. For instance in Hinduism there is a caste system, not everyone is equal. Buddhism is a decent religion but the problem it has much like Gnosticism, is that it sees the world as a prison of suffering that must be escaped from. In Christianity life even in all it's harshness is something that through Christ is something to delight in, it is a gift from God, the creation is good. There was a problem with sin but Jesus restores it to fullness. You can respect other beliefs without having to regard them as all equally valid to your own. If they were all equally true then none of them would be true. They would just collide together and annihilate each other like particles of matter and anti-matter.
Quote:You have also discarded the poisonous effect the Christian church has had on humanity, and then claimed all of the accomplishments that took place in spite of your church more than a thousand years after your Christ supposedly walked the Earth. Excuse me, I just puked in my mouth again.
The organised church? Human institutions based on Christianity set up for worldly power? Yes certainly I agree. But Christ transcends all that, he is what defines us as a people. Our culture is a Christian one, our values are Christian values. This isn't something you can nor should attempt to scrub away. There are other religions, there are other moral value systems and standards in the world, and we have ours. We shouldn't be assumed to say that our values are the best values, we have done the most good in the world.
Quote:Now, I don't know if you are being intentionally disingenuous, or if you are just completely ignorant on global history, but I must insist that you back up any claims that your religion was responsible for an accomplishment from a source that is not invested in your claim being true. Otherwise, please, stop with the ridiculous conjecture that your religion is responsible for everything.
No not religion, Christ and God. The proof of the pudding is in the eating. This isn't some kind of silly superstition we are all part of the body of Christ, even if you're trying to rebel against it. You're not really fully rejecting it though as your humanist values are Christian values.