Great scientists of the past are more likely to be religious back then. And with both great scientists of the past that are religious and ones that are today. The point is that they don't consider "God" to be a scientific question. They believe in NOMA (Non-overlapping magisteria). But thats bullshit because everything else in the universe can be tested. the reason why its very hard if not impossible to test the supernatural in practice is because there's nothing to test. Its intangible. You might as well try and test if unicorns or goblins exist. Or the FSM. There is no evidence OF any of these things TO test in the first place. So the point is that since there are so many conceivable gods and they are all has to understand the burden of proof is on the believer by default. Understand infinite regress (who created god? And then that God? and then that god? on and on forever). And one has to understand that any God capable of designing such a complex and improbable universe would obviously have to be far far far more complex and improbable himself.
And like I said considering there are so many Gods how could you possibly pick one when they're all just as improbable?
And then like I said. There is no evidence of God and the burden of proof is on the believer by default. There is no evidence of anything there TO disprove. He has to be proved. And no one can give any evidence. And everything in the universe that we know of and have understood is able to be explained naturally. There is no evidence of anything supernatural. And there are tons of evidence of the NATURAL of course. As far as we know everything is natural and works under natural laws. There is no evidence of the supernatural. The burden of proof is on the believer.
And finally, the supernatural is incompatible with the natural in reality. Because if the supernatural exists it would have to disobey the natural laws of the universe. By definition it would.
It doesn't really matter to you how old to you the earth is? How sad.
And like I said considering there are so many Gods how could you possibly pick one when they're all just as improbable?
And then like I said. There is no evidence of God and the burden of proof is on the believer by default. There is no evidence of anything there TO disprove. He has to be proved. And no one can give any evidence. And everything in the universe that we know of and have understood is able to be explained naturally. There is no evidence of anything supernatural. And there are tons of evidence of the NATURAL of course. As far as we know everything is natural and works under natural laws. There is no evidence of the supernatural. The burden of proof is on the believer.
And finally, the supernatural is incompatible with the natural in reality. Because if the supernatural exists it would have to disobey the natural laws of the universe. By definition it would.
It doesn't really matter to you how old to you the earth is? How sad.